Here the days end again. Every day at its end I feel more unsecured and more alone. I feel now its over and I am on edge of a river that takes everything with it. Here I see everything has taken their speed leaving me far alone. Everything has been changed, everybody are engaged but I am same useless guy with hands open thinking his day will come. I am on doubt of my future with lots of question with no answer. I know I will die one day. But I fear, do people comes on my funereal or I will die the death of a street dog. I am unsecured. Everyday I pray god to take me because I feel I got no reason to live. Everybody is fake who show tear on there eyes with knife on hand. Here I feel nothing is real and nothing has got their real existence.
But with this all I am living my life, I am enjoying my life. I enjoy the presence of people around. I hope my coming days will be mine and I too will take my speed. I will be more determined, more responsible and collect more strength. No matter what I wish I know on core of my heart the same thing is gonna happen. But who cares. I think this is what life mean. Some one has said we can sum up life on three words, IT GOES ON.
All the best for next day.